Please support democracy

Without your support, Democracy Watch can't win key changes to stop governments and big businesses from abusing their power and hurting you and your family. Please click here to support democracy now


Between now and 2026 is the biggest window of opportunity in decades to win key democracy, bank accountability and corporate responsibility changes across Canada. Please click here now to support the campaigns winning these key changes.

Directly below is the list of Democracy Watch's ongoing Democratic Good Government Campaigns, and below that is the list of our ongoing Corporate Responsibility Campaigns, both calling for key changes to require everyone in politics and business to be honest, ethical, transparent, representative and waste-preventing. To see how Canada’s current political and corporate responsibility systems are the real scandal, click here.


Democracy Watch has campaigns pushing for democratic good government changes and has won more than 150 democratic changes to federal and provincial laws since 1993. You will find an Action Letter to send to key politicians on each campaign page:

  1. Democratic Head Campaign
  2. Democratic Voting System Campaign
  3. Government Ethics Campaign
    Click here to support this campaign by donating to the Government Ethics Fund.
  4. Honesty in Politics Campaign
  5. Money in Politics Campaign
  6. Open Government Campaign
  7. Protect Whistleblowers Who Protect You Campaign
  8. Shut Down the Senate Campaign
  9. Stop Bad Government Appointments Campaign
  10. Stop Fake Online Election Ads
  11. Stop Foreign Interference in Canadian Politics Campaign
    Click here to support this campaign by donating to the Anti-Foreign Interference Fund.
  12. Stop Fraud Politician and Government Spending
  13. Stop Muzzling MPs
  14. Stop PM/Premier Power Abuses
    Click here to support this campaign by donating to the Stop Prorogations and other Power Abuses Fund.
  15. Stop Secret, Unethical Lobbying Campaign
    Click here to support this campaign by donating to the Government Ethics Fund.
  16. Stop Unfair Law Enforcement Campaign


Democracy Watch has campaigns pushing for corporate responsibility changes, and has won more than 50 corporate responsibility changes to federal and provincial laws since 1993. You will find an Action Letter to send to key politicians on each campaign page:

  1. Bank Accountability Campaign
  2. Citizen Association Campaign
  3. Corporate Responsibility Campaign
  4. Stop Fossil Fuel Financing Campaign


The System is the Scandal

The system is the scandal and no one should be surprised that Canadian governments, politicians, government employees, corporations and big business executives act dishonestly, unethically, secretively, unrepresentatively or wastefully — the system allows them to do so through weak rules, weak enforcement, and weak penalties. To see surveys showing how Canadians are concerned about these systemic problems, click here.

This is not at all to say that all, most or even many politicians, government employees or corporate executives are dishonest, unethical, secretive, non-representative or wasteful — but if any of these people act in these ways they will often not be caught, let alone penalized, because of loopholes in laws and rules and weak enforcement systems.

No matter what issue concerns you, strong good government laws will help ensure that the government addresses your concerns. History has shown that we won’t likely have a good country until we have good governments, we won’t have a clean environment until we have clean governments, and we won’t have a fair and just society until we have fair and just governments.

Incredibly, the laws and enforcement of parking a car illegally are stronger than most government accountability and corporate responsibility laws and enforcement systems in Canada, and in some cases the penalties for parking illegally are higher than for government officials or corporate executives who act dishonestly, unethically, unrepresentatively, secretively or wastefully!

For the past more than 155 years, since Canada became a nation (and section 91 of the Constitution of Canada empowered politicians to “make Laws for the Peace, Order, and good Government of Canada”), politicians and government officials have not been passing strong good government laws, but instead have been playing a game by sometimes strengthening laws, but then weakening enforcement, or strengthening enforcement at the same time as creating loopholes in laws, and in almost every case penalties have remained too weak to discourage violations.

While governments and corporations do bad things for many reasons, often it is because they are operating in bad ways. Especially when governments operate in bad ways, they usually do not require corporations to act in good ways (because they make secret deals behind closed doors with corporate lobbyists).

And unfortunately, the public always pays one way or another when governments or corporations act in bad ways.

See set out on this page links to Democracy Watch’s campaigns to increase government accountability and corporate responsibility in Canada — to ensure governments, politicians and their staff and appointees, and government employees, and corporations and corporate executives, all pay a price for acting irresponsibly.

Politicians, government officials, and big business executives are resisting changes to the system that would increase their accountability for wrongdoing. Canadian politicians have control over their own rules, and Canada’s biggest corporations spend $25 billion annually on their lobbying and promotion efforts, so Canadians have to push hard if there is any hope to counter the corporate lobby and win key corporate responsibility changes. They just don’t get it, so we have to give it to them until they do!

We know the ongoing lack of response by governments and big businesses to Canadians’ concerns is discouraging, but if we give up pushing then bad politicians and governments and irresponsible big businesses will do even more to hurt people, communities, the environment and the Canadian economy.

You can help clean up the system to prevent future scandals by simply writing letters to politicians making it clear that you are part of the large majority of Canadians who are concerned and want changes to clean up and democratize Canadian governments. Never assume that no one else is writing a letter, because if everyone assumes that then no one will write a letter. Politicians actually get very scared when only a small percentage of voters write them, because they are very concerned about losing the next election.

Democracy Watch welcomes your support.

Please click here now to donate to campaigns to win key democratic good government, bank accountability and corporate responsibility changes across Canada, and also click here to see the list of campaigns you can choose to support by sending letters to key politicians across the country.