Please support democracy

Without your support, Democracy Watch can't win key changes to stop governments and big businesses from abusing their power and hurting you and your family. Please click here to support democracy now

Please donate to democracy now

* See 4 ways to donate further below *

Democracy Watch is supported only by donations from individuals and citizen groups, so without your support it will be forced to close its doors and end its winning campaigns for democratic good government and corporate responsibility in Canada.

Democracy Watch’s campaigns have won more key changes for you, and reached more people through the media, than any other citizen group in Canada in the past 30 years.

Democracy Watch is supported by people and citizen groups across Canada — 95% of Democracy Watch’s donors donate less than $150 annually.

“Democracy Watch, a tenacious advocacy group for cleaner government…” — Maclean’s Magazine

For less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day, only $10-20 a month, you can help clean up and make governments and corporations more accountable to you, and help win the changes needed to make Canada the world’s leading democracy!

You have 4 ways to donate!

(NOTE: the Canadian government does not allow donors to Democracy Watch’s advocacy campaigns to receive a tax receipt)

1. Donate by credit card or e-transfer from your bank account

(one-time or monthly or annual donation)

2. Donate via PayPal

(one-time or monthly donation)

3. Donate by sending cheque by mail

Click here for form to print (PDF) to donate by cheque to Democracy Watch or just send your cheque made out to “Democracy Watch” to:

Democracy Watch
P.O. Box 821, Stn. B
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5P9

4. Donate online or by sending cheque to our charitable partner organization if you want an income tax credit receipt

Click here to donate now to our charitable partner organization Democracy Education Network (DEN) online or by sending a cheque if you want to receive an income tax credit receipt for your donation. DEN works with DWatch on research and education projects concerning government accountability and corporate responsibility issues.


Democracy Watch is supported only by donations from individuals and citizen groups, so without your support it will be forced to close its doors and end its winning campaigns for good government accountability and corporate responsibility in Canada:

Supporters of Democracy Watch receive the best citizen advocacy in Canada — the most victories of any Canadian citizen group, working on any issue, since 1994 (click here for details) and more media coverage than almost all other citizen groups (click here for details)!

As a supporter you will also receive regular email updates on Democracy Watch’s campaigns.

In addition, members of the Democracy Watcher network receive email ACTION Alerts which give information about Democracy Watch’s proposals for change and detail how you can help with campaigns.

Because of its strong advocacy on many issues, Democracy Watch is not eligible for charitable status and does not receive money from charitable foundations (although Democracy Watch has received a few grants in the past from foundations allowed to donate to advocacy groups).

However, as you can see in the above chart showing 4 ways to donate, option #4 allows you to donate to Democracy Watch’s charitable partner organization, the Democracy Education Network, and receive a tax receipt for your donation.

The proceeds from Canada Firsts: Ralph Nader’s Salute to Canada and Canadian Achievement, which Democracy Watch’s Coordinator Duff Conacher co-authored with Ralph Nader and Nadia Milleron, were donated to Democracy Watch to help it start up. Canada Firsts, published in December 1992, contains the stories behind over 170 things that Canadians have done first or foremost in the world. The book was a #1 bestseller in Canada in 1993, and is available in libraries across Canada, and is also still available for purchase online.

The proceeds from More Canada Firsts: Another Collection of Canadian Firsts and Foremosts in the World are also being donated to Democracy Watch to help it continue its leading democratic reform and corporate accountability campaigns in Canada. More Canada Firsts contains the stories behind over 200 more things Canadians have done first or foremost in the world. The book was a bestseller in Canada in 2000, and is available in libraries across Canada, and is also still available for purchase online.