Advocating for representative, democratically elected, governments
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Key Links
- Stop Snap Elections Fund
- Please download and post on social media or print and post everywhere the I’m Voting for Good Government sign
- Call on the politicians that represent you to Make the Democratic Good Government Pledge
- Fixed Election Date court case (archive website)
- Summary of Research Paper on Initiative, Referendum and Recall Process for Canada (by Duff Conacher (Democracy Watch’s Founding Director), published in the University of Toronto Law Review, 1991)
Campaign News
Read all campaign newsVoter Rights Campaign 1993-2011 archive (archive website)
The Opportunity
More and more Canadians are realizing that our current election voting system usually produces governments that give one party too much power, and so are some politicians — in February 2012, federal Liberal Party leadership candidates Justin Trudeau and Marc Garneau both proposed changing to a more democratic voting system.
The Trudeau Liberals initiated a process in spring 2016 to change the federal election voting system, following up on their 2015 election promise. The question is whether the Liberals will follow through if a majority of Canadians clearly indicate that they support specific changes to the current system.
The New Brunswick Liberal government has also initiated a process to review the provincial election voting system, as has the PEI government.
In B.C., the Liberal Party held a consultation process on changing the voting system, and held a referendum on the issue in May 2005 and in May 2009 (the same time as the provincial election). In Ontario, the Liberal Party held a similar consultation process and referendum on changing the voting system. The governments of Québec and Prince Edward Island have also undertaken reviews of their voting systems.
Politicians across Canada need to hear from as many voters as possible to ensure they make changes that are in the interests of voters, not in the interests of politicians.
Voting System Reform
Canada has an electoral system that consistently misrepresents the Canadian public and denies Canadians the right to have their vote count! The system at the federal level, and in all the provinces, is based on the British model known as first past the post (FPTP).
Under this system Canada is divided into a number of single-member voting districts (also known as “ridings”). At the federal level, there are currently 301 seats in the House of Commons (the elected house of Parliament), and various numbers of seats in each provincial legislature.
In an election, the candidate who gets the largest number of votes in each of these districts wins the election, and a seat in either Parliament (at the federal level) or in the provincial legislature.
Unfortunately, this system can lead to some very surprising, and fundamentally undemocratic, results! The main criticism of the FPTP voting system is that a candidate does not necessarily need to win a majority of the votes to win the seat, and usually, if there are 3 or more candidates in the district, the winning candidate does not win a majority of the votes. As a result, often political parties in Canada win a majority of seats in an election and form the government and have all the power (because the party controls a majority of seats in the legislature), even though the party only won the support of a minority of voters.
Other common criticisms of the FPTP voting system are that it effectively denies smaller parties fair representation in the legislature, it exaggerates the support of larger parties, and it exaggerates the support of parties that have support only in one province or region of Canada.
In addition, it often forces voters to vote for their 2nd choice candidate in order to ensure that a candidate they definitely don’t like loses. For example, imagine if a voter has 3 candidates to choose from in his/her district in an election, from political parties A, B, and C, and the voter wants to vote for the candidate from party A. If the promises and platforms of parties A and B are more similar than then platform of party C, then voters that vote for the candidates from parties A and B may split the vote (for example, 31% for the party A candidate, 33% for party B), allowing the candidate for party C to win the election with support from only 36% of the voters. The voter can only help prevent party C from winning by voting for his/her 2nd choice, the candidate from party B.
A study by the Institute for Research on Public Policy released in July 2000 found that 49% of Canadians find the current voting system unacceptable, compared to 23% who favour the current system.
A survey conducted in late 2001 by the Centre for Research and Information on Canada found that 37% of eligible voters who did not vote in the November 2000 federal election did not vote because they felt that their vote would have no effect and they did not like the choices of candidates and parties.
As an appointed body, the federal Senate of Canada of course presents a different problem for Canadian voters. Unelected, unaccountable, and sometimes simply unworthy of the appointment, Senators have more policy-making power than they usually acknowledge, and are less representative than they usually claim.
When the federal government finally tackles the key issue of changing our voting system to ensure a more accurate representation of the popular vote and regional interests in the federal Parliament, turning the Senate into an elected body (or abolishing it altogether) is one of the key changes to be made.