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Group calls on Liberal leadership contestants to disclose their campaigners, especially lobbyists, before voting ends

Public has right to know, given Lobbyists’ Code was gutted to allow lobbyists to secretly fundraise and campaign for politicians they lobby, and given it is legal for foreigners to secretly help contestants

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

OTTAWA – Today, Democracy Watch emailed a letter to each of the Liberal Party leadership contestants calling on them to disclose the identity of their top campaign managers and staff, top volunteers, and top fundraisers (anyone who has helped organize a fundraising event or appeal, and anyone who has sent out a personal fundraising appeal or held a fundraising event).

Liberal Party members have a right to know before they vote who each contestant owes, and what conflicts of interest have been created by the help provided by each contestant’s campaigners and fundraisers, and the public also has a right to know this information.

Huge loopholes in Canada’s laws allow foreigners, including foreign-government funded front groups and “proxies”, to secretly campaign and fundraise for party leadership contestants.

Commissioner of Lobbying Nancy Bélanger, with the support of the House of Commons Ethics Committee, gutted key ethical lobbying rules in the Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct in 2023, and since then lobbyists have been allowed to do significant campaigning for, and fundraise unlimited amounts of money for, politicians and their parties and lobby them at the same time or soon afterwards.

Still, the campaigning and fundraising lobbyists do for contestants creates a clear conflict of interest, and the federal ethics law prohibits participating in some decisions as Prime Minister when in a conflict of interest (although the law has many huge loopholes).

“Liberal Party members before they vote, and the public generally, have a right to know who each leadership contestant owes, and what conflicts of interest have been created by the people campaigning and fundraising for each contestant,” said Duff Conacher, Co-founder of Democracy Watch. “Given federal ethical lobbying rules have been gutted to allow lobbyists to assist politicians they are lobbying, and given foreign interference in party leadership contests is legal, it is even more important to have public disclosure of who is helping each leadership contestant.”

More than 40 lawyers and professors, many of them leading experts in government ethics, and 26 citizen groups with a total membership of 1.5 million Canadians, and more than 20,000 voters who signed on to Democracy Watch’s petition on or its letter-writing campaign, have called on federal parties to reverse the gutting of the Lobbyists’ Code so that lobbyists would again be prohibited from assisting politicians and lobbying them at the same time or soon afterwards.

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Duff Conacher, Co-founder of Democracy Watch
Tel: (613) 241-5179
Cell: 416-546-3443
Email: [email protected]

Democracy Watch’s Stop Secret, Unethical Lobbying Campaign and Government Ethics Campaign and Money in Politics Campaign