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Government Ethics Fund

You can help stop unethical government actions across Canada.

Democracy Watch regularly files complaints, and launches lawsuits – all challenging unethical actions by politicians, government officials, and lobbyists.

You can see the complaints and lawsuits that have been filed since 2016 here.

We need your help to pay the costs of winning strong rulings for all of these complaints and lawsuits, rulings that find politicians and government officials guilty and accountable for their unethical wrongdoing. 

Please help by making your donation now to the Government Ethics Fund, and by Sharing and Tweeting this page.

If we win these complaints and court cases:

  • Several unethical politicians, lobbyists and government officials will be found guilty of violating ethics rules;
  • Politicians won’t be able to choose their own ethics watchdogs anymore (they usually choose lapdogs who don’t enforce the rules) or appoint people who support their party to key law enforcement positions;
  • Many more lobbyists will be required to disclose details about their lobbying (secret lobbying by many lobbyists is currently legal);
  • Ethics watchdogs will be required to issue public rulings (some watchdogs actually refuse to rule on some complaints, even when they find politicians or government officials guilty of wrongdoing), and;
  • Lobby groups and politicians won’t be able to support each other during elections (fair election rules are not being effectively enforced).

If you want, you can donate instead directly to one of the following funds:

  1. Please click here to support Federal Government ethics complaints and court cases.
  2. Please click here to support Ontario Government ethics complaints and court cases.
  3. Please click here to support Democracy Watch’s intervention to stop Kevin O’Leary’s big money court case that threatens democracy in Canada.
  4. Please click here to support all complaints and cases trying to stop big money lobbyists from rigging our elections.

Thank you for your support,
Duff, Josephine, Brad
and the entire Democracy Watch team

P.S. Please also click here to send a letter to your federal and provincial politicians calling for stronger rules, enforcement and penalties to stop unethical actions and decisions by politicians and government officials.

P.P.S Please also click here to send a letter to your federal and provincial politicians calling for key changes to stop secret, unethical lobbying.