Stop PM/Premier Power Abuses

Stop PM/Premier Power Abuses

There is an elite club running Canada – the SuPremos.  They are almost all powerful, unchecked by anyone, and restricted by few laws.  Even the Constitution doesn’t stop them from abusing many of their powers.  Most watchdogs can’t touch them, and their actions often strike fear in the hearts of Canadians.

The SuPremos have the power to make decisions that can change the cost of everything you pay for, and can affect whether the air you breathe and water you drink are clean or dirty, what kind of car you can buy, what kind of clothes you can buy, what you are allowed to eat and drink, and many other things in your life.

Their abuses of power can only be stopped if thousands and thousands of people act right now!

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Please also support this campaign by clicking here now to donate to the Stop Progrations and other Power Abuses Fund.


The SuPremos are a loosely connected band of powerful people, many of them (known as the “Premiers”) controlling a network of supporters in a province called either MLAs or MPPs or MNAs, and one national member (known as the Prime Minister or “PM”) who controls two groups of supporters that come from all parts of Canada, one called “MPs”, and the others called the “Senators”. 

Almost all of them have enormous power even though only a minority of voters support them (and even many of the voters who support them are concerned about their abuses of power).

There is hope for changes to Stop the SuPremos — the elite clubs that run Britain, Australia and New Zealand and many other countries have had many of their powers restricted by clear, written rules, and so they are much more in the control of local politicians who are more free and empowered to represent voters’ interests than politicians in Canada are.

A large majority of Canadians want the powers of the SuPremos restricted.  A national survey of more than 2,000 Canadians by Harris-Decima in November-December 2012 showed that 84% of adult Canadians want enforceable rules to restrict key powers of the PM and the Premiers.  And a national survey of 1,007 Canadians by Environics in May 2013 found that 71% want legal restrictions on party leader powers to ensure politicians in each party have more power and freedom to represent voters.

Already in Canada there are examples of how the SuPremos powers can be restricted.  In parts of the north known as Nunavut territory and the Northwest Territories, the Premiers’ clubs have been broken up (there are no political parties in those two territories) and they can’t impose decisions on their supporters (the legislatures in those two territories make decisions by consensus).

The SuPremos meet rarely, behind closed doors, making secret decisions about you and your family, and the country — usually only inviting big business lobbyists to join them.  In recent years, the PM hasn’t even attended these meetings, preferring to have secret one-on-one conversations with various Premiers.

The SuPremos power is so great that they can usually choose whomever they want to head up hundreds of organizations that control many aspects of Canadians’ lives.  They can also control what these organizations do, and they write the rules that these organizations impose on you and your family and all Canadians.

And they can do all of this without ever asking you what you think, ignoring any facts or evidence they want, and whenever they want.

How do the SuPremos control their subordinates, the politicians known MPs, senators, MLAs/MPPs/MNAs?  All of them except the senators are elected, and the SuPremos all have the legal power to ban them from running in the next election.

Because of vague, weak or non-existent rules, the SuPremos can even keep Parliament shut down after an election, or shut it down any time they want (PM Harper, and Premiers Clark, McGuinty and Dunnderdale have all done this in recent years).

The SuPremos are challenged across the country by other clubs led by politicians who want the powers the SuPremos have.  They are known as “The Opposition Parties”.   Currently, the only power leaders of the Opposition have is control of the politicians in their club (also known as MPs or MLAs or MPPs or MNAs).  But they want more – they want to have the power to impose whatever law they want on you; appoint whomever they want to organizations that control your life; open up Parliament and close it down whenever they want.

Some of the Opposition leaders have promised to act differently if they win power and become a SuPremo – but none of them have promised to change the Constitution or any laws to ensure they can’t abuse their SuPremo power.  They, like the SuPremos, have to be pushed to pass strong rules to restrict their powers and stop abuses.

It won’t be easy — nothing worth doing ever is – but all together we can restrict the powers of the SuPremos and stop their abuses.

Remember, almost all other countries in the world have taken steps to stop the abusive actions of similar elite clubs (and Nunavut and the Northwest Territories have also).  Most have measures restricting the powers of their SuPremos in their constitutions, others haven’t made changes that are that strong and strict as that, but they have at least written down rules to restrict their powers in key ways.

Please help keep this campaign going until these key changes to Stop PM/Premier Power Abuses are won.  To donate now, please click here.