Democracy Watch is leading the way in challenging wealthy, big money lobby groups who are trying to manipulate Canadian elections in their favour.
Please help by making your donation now to the Stopping Big Money Elections Legal Fund, and by Sharing and Tweeting this page.
From Kevin O’Leary challenging Canada’s political donation limits, to lobby groups colluding with each other and political parties, to lobbyists fundraising for politicians they lobby – wealthy, big money interests are spending millions of dollars trying to tilt Canadian elections in their favour.
Once again, as it has for more than 25 years, Democracy Watch is leading the way in challenging these big money lobbyists’ undemocratic, unethical actions.
See the list below of the court cases and complaints Democracy Watch already has underway trying to stop big money campaigns from making our elections unfair.
Democracy Watch will continue to file complaints, and to challenge any bad rulings in court.
We need your help to pay the costs for pursuing these lawsuits and complaints to ensure key fair election rules are strictly and strongly enforced across Canada – please donate now and Share and Tweet this page to spread the word to anyone you think may be interested in supporting these lawsuits.
Thank you for your support,
Duff, Josephine, Brad
and the entire Democracy Watch team
P.S. Please also click here to send a letter to your federal and provincial politicians calling for stronger rules, enforcement and penalties to stop big money interests in politics from damaging Canada more than they already have.
Your support is needed for the following court cases:
- Case intervention in lawsuit about limits on third-party interest group ad spending in Ontario;
- Case intervention in lawsuit Kevin O’Leary has filed to try to remove Canada’s limits on political donations;
Your support is needed for the following election complaints:
- Complaint to Commissioner of Canada Elections about China-sponsored interference in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections (February 28, 2023);
- Complaint to Elections Canada, Commissioner of Canada Elections, and Commissioner of Lobbying requesting an audit of donations and lobbyist fundraising back to 2007;