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196 media appearances in 2024 (including 40 national appearances)
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Calgary Herald (September 29, 2014)
Website article
NDP MP’s appeal for donations in return for changing her actions as an MP clearly violated MP ethics rules

Global TV National news (September 24, 2014)
Television Interview
House of Commons Speaker Andrew Scheer wrong to say rules don’t allow him to require an answer from government to an opposition party question

Montreal Gazette (September 24, 2014)
Website article
Fixed election date laws, which Democracy Watch went to court to enforce in 2008, must be followed by governments across Canada and CBC TV Winnipeg (September 23, 2014)
Website article
CBC’s analysis reveals that top donors to Winnipeg election candidates are development companies and others with interests in city decisions — changes needed to stop corrupting influence of money

Toronto Star and (September 22, 2014)
Website article
New Toronto mayoral candidate Doug Ford under investigation by Integrity Commissioner following Democracy Watch’s complaint — ruling unfortunately won’t come before election day

National Post (September 22, 2014)
Website article
NDP MP’s offer to do various things in return for donations violates federal ethics rules

Globe and Mail (September 19, 2014)
Website article
Toronto Integrity Commissioner continues to continue to fail to rule on clear evidence, clear rules concerning inside lobbying by Rob Ford and Doug Ford on behalf of clients of their family business

St. John's Telegram editorial (September 19, 2014)
Website article
As Democracy Watch has called for, provincial law should be changed to ban donations from businesses and other organizations and strictly limit donations from indviduals

CTV News and 3 other media outlets (all publishing Canadian Press wire article) (September 11, 2014)
Website article
As Newfoundland and Labrador Tories elect new leader, serious questions remain about provincial government’s access-to-information law

Globe and Mail (September 9, 2014)
Website article
City of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford denies wrongdoing as Democracy Watch calls for ruling on its ethics complaint before municipal election