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164 media appearances in 2025 (including 19 national appearances)
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CTV News (August 31, 2012)
Television Interview
Re: Coalition Avenir Québec receives D+ best grade of bad overall grades in Report Card on Québec Parties’ Democratic Good Government Platforms — Parti Québecois receive a D, Québec solidaire an F and Liberals an Incomplete

Democracy Watch (August 31, 2012)
News release
Coalition Avenir Québec receives D+ best grade of bad overall grades in Report Card on Québec Parties’ Democratic Good Government Platforms — Parti Québecois receive a D, Québec solidaire an F and Liberals an Incomplete

Edmonton Journal (August 31, 2012)
Website article
Alberta Premier Alison Redford’s decision to release limited budget information damaging to Albertan’s democratic rights – all government information should by default be released publicly (Edmonton Journal article) (August 30, 2012)
Website article
With big banks posting record breaking profits Democracy Watch calls for regular audits to ensure banks aren’t reaping excessive profits from gouging and cutting services to Canadians

Global News (August 30, 2012)
Website Article
With big banks posting record profits an independent financial consumer watchdog group and regular audits are required to ensure banks are not reaping excessive profits through gouging and cutting services (

CBC's The National (August 30, 2012)
Television Piece
With big banks posting record profits an independent financial consumer watchdog group and regular audits are required to ensure banks are not reaping excessive profits through gouging and cutting services (CBC’s The National)

Global News (August 30, 2012)
Website article
With big banks posting record breaking profits Democracy Watch calls for regular audits to ensure banks aren’t reaping excessive profits from gouging and cutting services to Canadians (August 29, 2012)
Letter to the Editor by Duff Conacher
Nigel Wright’s meetings wrong, but legal (and that is the problem)

Macleans Magazine, and 11 other media outlets across Canada (August 29, 2012)
Website Article
Situation with Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff Nigel Wright highlights major loopholes in the Conflict of Interest Act that need to be closed

Democracy Watch (August 28, 2012)
Media Release
Elections Canada refuses to clarify key measures in federal elections law – Democracy Watch again calls for clarification of recent flawed ruling