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155 media appearances in 2024 (including 28 national appearances)
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Democracy Watch (August 22, 2012)
News release
Ontario by-election dates bad for voter turnout — Changes needed to election timing, voting system, and voter rights and advertising…

Calgary Herald (August 21, 2012)
Website article
Exemptions and discretion in watchdog legislation must be eliminated. Regular audits and a requirement to punish must be implemented to ensure adherence to the law

Hill Times (August 17, 2012)
Letter to the Editor by Tyler Sommers
Quebec election timing is unfair and undemocratic

Globe and Mail (August 17, 2012)
Website Article
Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson ignores evidence and rules in refusing to investigate Conservative MP Paul Calandra

Democracy Watch (August 16, 2012)
News Release
Quebec election date unfair and undemocratic — bad timing will likely result in low voter turnout

Montreal Gazette (August 15, 2012)
Website Article
If Quebec politicians are serious about fighting corruption they must target Bill 48 and close major loopholes that allow politicians to be unethical

Montreal Gazette (August 14, 2012)
Website Article
Corruption takes over Quebec election race – parties need to break from political games, make promises to clean up government, and follow through

Democracy Watch (August 12, 2012)
News Release
Democracy Watch calls for clarification on recent flawed interpretation of Canada Elections Act by Commissioner of Canada Elections

Epoch Times and (August 9, 2012)
Letter to the Editor by Duff Conacher
Public has clear right to know what political staffers are doing and what power they have

Hill Times and 404 System Error (August 6, 2012)
Letter to the Editor by Duff Conacher
Hill Times headline mischaracterizes and ignores key ethics issue in Calandra conflict