Democracy Watch needs your support to:
- Take politicians to court, along with anyone else who is helping foreign governments interfere in Canadian politics or failing to strongly enforce anti-foreign interference laws.
- Push for key changes to prohibit foreign interference, and to ensure independent, effective, transparent and accountable enforcement of anti-foreign interference rules.
A May 2024 report by a committee of MPs and Senators found that some MPs and Senators have been helping foreign governments interfere in Canadian politics.
The RCMP Commissioner is arguing that information about these MPs and Senators must be kept secret – click here for details.
The heads of the RCMP and other law enforcement agencies are all chosen by the ruling party Cabinet, and they often bury cases behind closed doors.
Democracy Watch will push the RCMP, provincial police forces, the elections and ethics commissioners, and other law enforcement agencies to investigate these cases, and all other cases of foreign interference, and to issue public rulings on every case.
The media and opposition parties will likely give up or turn to other news and issues, just like they have with past scandals.
Democracy Watch will keep watching until public rulings are issued in every case.
We will have to fight every step of the way, including prosecuting people who are let off the hook by the RCMP or other law enforcement agencies, and pushing and pushing until all the loopholes are closed that make secret foreign interference legal, and strong enforcement happens in every case.
Democracy Watch also needs your support to win key changes to ensure independent, effective and transparent enforcement of anti-foreign interference laws that is accountable to the public.
Click here to see a Backgrounder on the key loopholes in Canada’s lobbying, ethics, election, political donation and spending laws that allow for secret foreign interference.
Click here to sign and send a letter calling on key politicians to make key changes to Stop Foreign Interference in Canadian politics and elections.
Please Share this page with everyone you know.
Democracy Watch (March 3, 2025) News Release
Public interest, not partisan self-interest, actions needed to make changes to stop foreign interference before an election
Democracy Watch (November 21, 2024) News Release
Make key changes to Bill C-65 to stop undemocratic influence of wealthy interests, disinformation and foreign interference now
Democracy Watch (November 13, 2024) News Release
Hogue Inquiry should recommend key changes to stop secret, unethical, big money, lobbying and disinformation foreign interference
Democracy Watch (October 24, 2024) News Release
Hogue Inquiry should recommend key changes to stop secret, big money foreign interference in elections and policy-making
Democracy Watch (October 23, 2024) News Release
Hogue Inquiry should recommend key changes to make anti-foreign interference enforcement fully independent and effective
Democracy Watch (October 22, 2024) News Release
Hogue Inquiry should recommend strong measures to prevent disinformation – only way to stop it finally
Democracy Watch (October 21, 2024) News Release
Hogue Inquiry so far largely ignoring “dirty dozen” loopholes that allow for foreign interference – policy phase hopefully won’t
Democracy Watch News Release (September 23, 2024)
Hogue Inquiry largely ignoring “dirty dozen” loopholes that allow for secret foreign interference
Democracy Watch News Release (June 12, 2024)
House Committee leaves huge loopholes and weak enforcement system in so-called anti-foreign interference Bill C-70