A few of Democracy Watch’s donors have generously agreed to match your donation to the Democracy 2025 Fund – up to $40,000!
If you give now, your donation will be doubled, which will help Democracy Watch win twice as many changes in 2025.
No matter what issue or problem concerns you about governments or big businesses, these changes will help stop their bad decisions and abuses of power that harm you, your family, the environment and your community.
DWatch has already won more than 200 key democracy and corporate responsibility changes for you – more than any other group in Canada in the past 30 years. To see details, click here and/or watch this video:
And, in addition to winning key changes, Democracy Watch also continues to shine a bright spotlight on government and big business wrongdoing across Canada, with almost 440 media appearances in 2024 (including more than 70 national appearances). To see details, click here.
Our goal is to raise $40,000, which will be matched to raise a total of $80,000.
Your donation will help win key changes to:
- Help stop your tax money being wasted! (See details here)
- Help stop you and your family being gouged and abused by big banks, phone, TV, Internet and airline companies! (See details here and here)
- Help stop politicians making secret deals with wealthy, high-powered lobbyists that hurt the environment, consumers and workers! (See details here and here)
- Help stop unfair, dishonest decisions by unethical politicians, lobbyists and government officials! (See details here and here)
- Help stop the unethical, undemocratic influence of big money in politics across Canada! (See details here)
In 2025, with your support, Democracy Watch will also:
- Win key changes to stop foreign interference in Canadian politics (to see details, click here).
- Win strong rulings from ethics watchdogs holding unethical politicians and government officials accountable, and rulings against ethics lapdogs who fail to enforce ethics rules strictly and strongly (to see details, click here).
- Win key changes to stop secret, unethical lobbying (to see details, click here).
- Win key changes to ensure independent, fair law enforcement (to see details, click here).
- Win key changes to stop excessive government secrecy (to see details, click here).
- Win key changes to protect people who blow the whistle on big business and government wrongdoing (to see details, click here), and;
- Win key changes to stop unfair snap elections (to see details, click here).
- Win key changes to ensure strong penalties for everyone who violates any of the democratic good government, bank accountability and corporate responsibility laws listed above.
We need your help to pay the costs of these winning these campaigns and lawsuits.
Aren’t you sick of politicians, government officials and big business executives getting away with unethical, dishonest, secretive and wasteful decisions and actions that don’t solve the problems you are concerned about?
All together we can win key changes to make governments and big businesses honest, ethical, transparent, waste-preventing and accountable.
No matter what issue or problem concerns you about governments or big businesses, these changes will help stop their bad decisions and abuses of power that harm you, your family, the environment and your community.
Please help by making your donation now to the Democracy 2025 Fund, and by Sharing and Tweeting this page.
Let’s start 2025 with a big bang for democracy in Canada!
Thank you for your support,
Duff, Josephine, Brad
and the entire Democracy Watch team