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CBC's The National (août 30, 2012)
Television Piece
(English) With big banks posting record profits an independent financial consumer watchdog group and regular audits are required to ensure banks are not reaping excessive profits through gouging and cutting services (CBC’s The National)
Global News (août 30, 2012)
Website article
(English) With big banks posting record breaking profits Democracy Watch calls for regular audits to ensure banks aren’t reaping excessive profits from gouging and cutting services to Canadians
CBC's The Marketplace (avril 6, 2012)
Television appearance - Note: Piece starts at 21 minute mark
(English) Some of Canada’s big banks gouge seniors by failing to tell them about fee-free accounts CBC Marketplace
Global TV (mars 13, 2012)
Television appearance
(English) As banking fees increase yet again, federal government action needed to ensure record big bank profits not based on gouging and ignoring job-creating businesses — Bill S-5 too weak — Comprehensive audits, and new Financial Consumer Organization needed for effective bank and financial services industry accountability, and for financial literacy