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196 media appearances in 2024 (including 40 national appearances)
To download a doc listing all of Democracy Watch’s media appearances in 2024, click here.
To see summaries of past media coverage, click here.

Also see DWatch News on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (April 29, 2014)
Website article
Federal Conservatives’ so-called Fair Elections Act makes donations and political finance system more unfair (April 28, 2014)
Website article
Others join Democracy Watch in calling on the RCMP and prosecutors to disclose details about why they didn’t charge and prosecute Nigel Wright for his $90,000 payment to Senator Duffy

Democracy Watch (April 28, 2014)
Op-ed by Duff Conacher
The federal Conservatives only go halfway to making the Federal Elections Act actually fair

Huffington Post (April 28, 2014)
Website article
The Conservatives’ so-called Fair Elections Act does not make enough changes to ensure fraud robocalls won’t happen again

CJOB Radio Winnipeg (April 28, 2014)
Radio Interview
The federal Conservatives only go halfway to making the Federal Elections Act actually fair

Todd Veinotte talk show (News 95.7, News 88.9 and News 91.9 radio in the Maritimes) (April 28, 2014)
Radio Interview
Commissioner of Canada Elections makes wrong call on election fraud robocalls, ignores clear evidence that Conservatives intentionally made calls to voters that misled them about where to vote

Toronto Star,Cambridge Times, and (April 27, 2014)
Website article
Access to government information laws and enforcement systems need to be strengthened to ensure transparency in key areas

Barrie Examiner (April 24, 2014)
Op-ed by Aileen Carroll
Federal Conservatives’ so-called “Fair Elections Act” needs many changes to make it actually fair

Toronto Star (April 24, 2014)
Website article
Commissioner of Canada Elections makes wrong call on election fraud robocalls, ignores clear evidence that Conservatives intentionally made calls to voters that misled them about where to vote and Montreal Gazette (April 24, 2014)
Website article
Commissioner of Canada Elections makes wrong call on election fraud robocalls, ignores clear evidence that Conservatives intentionally made calls to voters that misled them about where to vote